Repurpose! Blog2Book – The Solopreneur’s CHEAT SHEET on WRITING a BOOK using Existing Content


What many solopreneurs don’t realize is that their blog posts are a goldmine for creating other products!

In particular, they can use the content on their blog for creating both books AND online courses to sell. That’s where the course comes in – Repurpose! Blog2Book – Become an Author using your existing content

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The Solopreneur’s CHEAT SHEET on WRITING a BOOK using Existing Content.

As a Solopreneur, probably, you already have a business website and know by this point that you need to have a blog.

And if you’ve been blogging for even a short space of time, you’ll have a range of posts on different topics.

What many solopreneurs don’t realize is that their blog posts are a goldmine for creating other products!

In particular, they can use the content on their blog for creating both books AND online courses to sell. This course is about WRITING BOOKS that will consolidate your BRAND and will scale your BUSINESS through the AUTHORITY you’ll gain.

Why should you create a book and a course?

Because being a published author and teaching online courses will help you:

  • Reach a wider audience
  • Increase your credibility as an expert
  • Attract new leads to other areas of your business
  • Create additional streams of income
  • Help your clients and customers get better results

And it doesn’t have to involve a lot of time and effort, because you already have a big chunk of the content!

So how can you repurpose your blog to a book and course… in the fastest, most effective way?

That’s where your Cheat Sheet comes in – Repurpose! Blog2Book – The Solopreneur’s CHEAT SHEET on become an Author using  existing content


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