Books Brand Business - coach for authors - Mirela Carmen Stancu


The Writing Alchemy


Why did I name this section The Alchemy of Writing? Well… Alchemy is an ancient practice shrouded in mystery. Its practitioners primarily sought to transform lead into gold, a quest that has captured people’s imaginations for thousands of years.

However, Alchemy is not just about transforming metals; it’s also about changing consciousness. “Transmutation” is the key word that characterizes alchemy and it can be understood in several ways: in chemical changes, in physiological changes such as the transition from illness to health, in a hoped-for transformation from old age to youth, or even in passing from an earthly existence to a supernatural one.

The changes always seem to be positive, without involving final degradation, which only appears as an intermediate stage in a process that has a “happy ending.” But… Alchemy works for writers too.

Take an idea and apply a little magic in words, transforming it from a simple notion into something that can ignite the reader’s imagination. Let’s sprinkle a bit of Alchemy together in words, put them on paper, and admire the treasure obtained.

Your rebirth as a writer.

The Alchemy of Nonfiction Writing

For entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, coaches, therapists, and anyone who wants to strengthen their brand by becoming an author. And not just any book, but one with a significant impact.

Hello! I’m Mirela Carmen Stancu, and my mission is to guide you on the Path to Your Book.

I help you write, edit, format, and publish your first book. And your second. And… as many as you wish.

All without losing your motivation, confidence, or inspiration along the way, and without feeling lost in the process.

And now... let's have a
Date with YOUR MUSE

Books Brand Business